Friday, August 11, 2006

Yeah you're right :-)

I thought about what you mentioned last night. How when we first met, I must've been saying to myself, "What the hell is up with this girl?" Yeah, you were definitely right. Meeting you was one of those moments in your life that you hardly think about, but if and when you do, it shakes you to your core as to what a huge impact it was in your life. Much like many events that occur, of course, in the course of living, but the significance lies in the fact that it's such an active, animated exchange that is stimulated between two people, exclusively.

Thank you for being so unpretentious and bare. I can only regret that I counter-balanced your enthusiasm and honesty with a selfishness that even the most spoiled children can rarely exude, made worse that the age of childhood is so long past. You are so unique in my life because as much as you were there for me, you vividly awakened a sense of greater consciousness in my mind for the world and the people around me.

It's unfair of course that this puts tremendous pressure on me in my life to do the same for you and others. I pray to the 8lb 6oz baby Jesus in his ghost manger that I will have some amount of success when it comes to this journey I've put myself on.

- Jineus


Blogger Z Money said...

:) "Hi, what was your name?" asked the Asian surfer dude with the cowboy hat on. And the rest is history.

5:42 PM


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