Tuesday, August 29, 2006


My daily struggle. Who am I? What defines me? Is it the things I DO that define me, or who I am on the inside? ... Simply speaking, who I am would be reflected by the things that I do. In an ideal world. Unfortunately, God has shown me many signs that I do not, in fact, live in an ideal world. If I could describe my existence in one word, it would be... paradoxical.

A paradox is defined as "a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth." I feel as though my sense of self and identity is self-contradictory or absurd because my identity is in itself a search for my identity. However, the second part of that textbook definition of paradox is what gives me some sense of comfort. "In reality [it] expresses a possible truth". I'm working towards expressing a possible truth. Eventually. One day at a time.


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