Friday, January 04, 2008

The problem with love. Or rather, the people who claim to love.

It's the one thing in the world that everyone wants besides money and power that you can lie about and say you have, and pass off convincingly that you do.

I love you. The three easiest words in the world to say, unless you actually feel it and want to say it. Because love takes that much courage to practice in real life. Because once you actually love someone, you realize that everything you say and do will matter that much more to the other person, and you don't want to fuck it all up. There are several problems inherent in love due to the nature of man.

The first of the major pitfalls of saying that you love someone is that most of the time, the person actually believes what they say. It comes with being human. You believe something, and those beliefs get tested time and time again, every day, every second, until you start to subconsciously doubt yourself, ergo, the person that you say you love. Love starts as a feeling, evolves into a belief, then remains consistent with practice. Basically, it's the strongest and weakest thing holding two human beings together.

Second, you can't love till you've felt love given to you. What I mean by that is, each person has a different way to love because they've felt it in different ways. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to sacrifice and wanting to do all you can for those around you. As soon as it becomes about obligation, you've got to take a step back, re-evaluate, and figure out why you feel the way you do. Usually if it's about obligation, it's because you know that the love has only been given by one party, not by both. You feel obligated because you know the other person has their whole heart in it, or because they're not giving enough.

You can't take someone else's definition of love for yourself either. Meaning, every relationship is different; moms and dads, sisters and brothers, lovers. Especially with lovers, things can become crappy real fast. You give love to your significant others in a certain way because that's what you think you're supposed to do. To me, that's basically taking someone else's love, and then pooping all over it.

Before you're so eager to get into love and find a person to be there for you, figure out what YOU are all about. Figure out who you are, your dreams, how you love, and how to be there for someone else before you start demanding all sorts of stuff from someone else. Stop pooping on love and using it for your own nefarious, selfish purposes.


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