Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Truth Hurts

I'm beginning to pay a lot of attention to signs. I've spent quite a bit of time ignoring signs in my life, and that has led to more heartache and misery than I care to admit affects me. I'm not talking about signs of convenience, the ones where you're just looking for an excuse to be lazy, or comfortable, or to not have to do something.

I'm talking about signs that God puts in your life to make some big changes. Let's say you've been hating going to work the past year. Not just hating work like most people hate work. Hating the people, your actual job, and realizing that being there makes you question your very value as a human being. It probably means there is a different calling that you should be taking up in your life, one that makes you happy and more fulfilled. Those signs. The big ones.

The same thing goes for everything in your life, especially relationships. How do relationships start? Signs. You get a sign from a girl, or a guy that they're interested. Where things go from there, depends on the person. If someone immediately sleeps with you, THAT'S a sign that they do that sort of thing all the time. If that's your style, great. If not, that's a sign that you should probably get out of that relationship before it has a chance to fester into something that needs to be amputated; in this context, you might lose your heart.

Or sometimes, you spend your life waiting on someone else, until they have time to spend on you. The signs are there. Your existence becomes an imitation of living. You don't know how to define yourself without the other person to give you some worth. In the end, the only sustenance you have is the other giving you a pat on the head to tell you that you're doing okay. What kind of bullshit is that?

No one deserves to be treated as worthless. This is not to be misconstrued to mean that everyone is a diamond in the rough. After all, people put themselves into the position they are in. If they choose to see their worth, and rise above it, they will. But we all make mistakes, after all.

The signs might be telling you that someone doesn't deserve to have your trust and love. You can't help wanting to give it to her though... It's human nature to hope for the best, despite all the information that you have that indicates she is screwing you over, and the good stuff she's giving to someone else. She's a cheap person for giving away the most valuable thing that you gave her, but you refuse to believe it.

You learn the most about someone after you lose her. Things you already know, but you chose to ignore. You have to relearn it. If it makes you angry, it's because you're learning the truth. The truth enrages because it doesn't care who you are, what you own, how much money you have. The harder you try to avoid it, the worse it gets when you encounter it. That's why the sooner you learn to love the truth, the happier you'll be.

The signs indicate that the truth is sneaking up on you. Pay attention to them.


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